How digital signage helps leisure centres communicate with visitors
A chain of leisure centres with 17 establishments and more than 3,5 million visitors a year requires an intelligent digital signage solution.
When we first met with Sportoase, they had already introduced digital signage. But not being fully able to do what they wanted, they asked us to provide a few additional requirements. Especially since they planned on expanding their business with more establishments throughout the country. It’s only logical that the more establishments you have, the more complex your digital signage setup becomes.
What Sportoase wanted to achieve
First, all the screens and players had to be centrally managed. One operating system that could control every player and every screen, making it possible to turn on or off all screens from a distance.
Then, the content management system had to provide either individual playlists or – if desired – playlists for specific player groups, making it possible to manage content that’s relevant for all establishments. but also making it possible to only show content on specific screens and locations.
In terms of reliability, the system had to be stable as a rock, guaranteeing constant uptime and no blank screens. Luckily, our in house developed system Centoview works with a store and forward principle, guaranteeing a constant message flow. The content is first locally downloaded (‘stored’) on the players and then pushed (‘forwarded’) to the individual screens.
How Centomedia helped
In the meantime, Sportoase installed both indoor and outdoor screens, making it possible to optimise communication with their visitors at all times. Screens are installed throughout the entire establishments: at the entrance, in the gyms, at the restaurants, in the business centers and at the swimming pools. That way, screen communication is available around every corner.
Thanks to extensive role management in the digital signage platform, third parties – like an advertising company – can also publish content to specific screens. Of course, the Sportoase management remains fully in control and can overrule this content when desired. But it’s a great way to share your digital signage possibilities with other partners and financially profit from it.
Today, we are implementing live streaming options as well, making it possible for people to watch television while training. At the same time, a live dashboard keeps the score of the gym members, displaying a motivational ranking to stimulate people get more out of their fitness performance.
In the future
Sportoase is planning to expand over the next few years. We are looking forward to remaining their stable and reliable digital signage partner, guaranteeing them professional and multifaceted screen communication.